P.A.T. BUGAŁA sp.k.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00
Bank account numbers:
EUR: PL 39 1050 1142 1000 0022 8762 8784
USD: PL 44 1050 1142 1000 0023 3390 4775
Bank: ING BS; PL 42-200 Czestochowa, Swift Code: INGBPLPW
EUR: PL 39 1050 1142 1000 0022 8762 8784
USD: PL 44 1050 1142 1000 0023 3390 4775
Bank: ING BS; PL 42-200 Czestochowa, Swift Code: INGBPLPW
Company entered in the register of entrepreneurs in the National Judicial Register kept by the District Court of Law in Częstochowa, Poland,
under number KRS 0000944337, VAT ID: PL5730207288, REGON: 150020489
under number KRS 0000944337, VAT ID: PL5730207288, REGON: 150020489